Empowerment Program

5 million Cashew Seedling to be planted by 2030

We are set to plant 5 million cashew seedling , with our smallholder farmers by 2030

Women-centric Program

Cashew Value Addition Program with NEPC

We empower our women on cashew value addition in partnership with Nigeria Export Promotion council

Partnership & Collaboration

Our Partners

Our visit to the Cocoa research Institute of Nigeria & NIRSAL Microfinance Bank

Empowerment Program

Continuous support to our Small holder farmers

We continually support our small holder farmers by giving them fertilizers

Partnership & Collaboration

Our visit to IITA

We continue to get support from Institutes while empowering our farmers

our csr programs

Continuous support to our Small holder farmers

Our drive to give back to the society

Empowerment Program

Continuous support to our Small holder farmers

Our visit to the Cocoa research Institute of Nigeria & NIRSAL Microfinance Bank